Builder of Authenticity-Enabled
Social Network Communities

Social Media Done Right

While today's social media has transformed society and brought new effectiveness to communication among friends and groups worldwide, it has done so at a cost. The operators of social networks make their money by luring participants into revealing personal information that is sold to marketers.

Let Global Villages turn your audience asset into an online community that outperforms traditional social networks, and does so without the trickery.

If you gather an audience, we have an opportunity for you!

By hanging on to old assumptions, social media companies are missing major sources of sustainable revenue, while also adding to public concerns about privacy. That leaves a big opportunity for your audience aggregator organization.

The old social media revenue model is about constantly driving page views, while mining for hints about preferences and relationships that can be sold to advertisers desperate for their share of clicks.

Let us show you how the Village® business model will enable your audience asset to produce far more revenue and earnings per user than the social network mavens ever dreamed of.

Learn More about how your organization's own Authenticity-Enabled Social Network will produce new value for you.